Sunday, October 4, 2020

Hybrid Lesson: A Possibility

 As we try to juggle this new hybrid classroom I get asked a lot about what this might look like. Going from totally in-class teaching and learning to hybrid and remote with the added technology components to manage it can get confusing. Many teachers are simply having a hard time wrapping their heads around it all. I've proposed several possible logistic arrangements in this Jamboard. But here I will give you a scenario of how a lesson might go.

Before we start, let's look at what would be needed for this lesson to happen totally as-is: (realizing you can easily substitute depending on what you have available to you)

  • Hardware: Desktop computer hooked up to a presentation screen, Chromebook, webcam (whether stand-alone or Doc camera used as a webcam), and a mic
  • Software: Zoom, Nearpod

Classroom Set-up:

Teacher process:

  1. Log into Zoom on desktop as host (mic and camera facing the front of the room)

  2. Log into Zoom on Chromebook as co-host (mic and camera off)

  3. Open up Nearpod on Chromebook and start Live Participation Lesson

  4. Students log into Nearpod on their own device (both in-class and remote) In my room the link would be pushed out through Google Classroom.

  5. The teacher teaches from the front of the room to start (both in-class and remote students can see them) then rotates around the room

  6. The teacher drives Nearpod from a mobile device (in this case a Chromebook)

  7. All work is available via Google Classroom. For total remote students who do not attend via Zoom they would complete a student-paced Nearpod posted via GC.

You may notice that in this scenario there really isn't a need for an interactive presentation screen being on in the classroom. Students are interacting in Nearpod, and the teacher is monitoring student work through Nearpod, as well as walking around the room checking on in-class students (and chat via Zoom for remote students). No need for the teacher to be stuck at the front of the room!

There is also no need in this scenario for monitoring software as the teacher is monitoring student work via the Nearpod dashboard. Students that aren't producing work can then be checked individually as needed.

Other Options:

  • For some questions, or interactive media in Nearpod, the teacher can put students in pairs (in class or with breakout rooms on Zoom) to discuss and work together, completing individual Nearpod to submit. In this scenario, the teacher is moving from group to group and/or monitoring work via Nearpod view.

  • The teacher wants to demonstrate? No problem: screen share Nearpod and go into student view then complete (I do), next problem students do on own or in pairs in breakout rooms (we do), then students do the next problem independently (You do). In this case, the teacher would screen share and demonstrate via the desktop so that students zooming in can see it and the in-class students can see it on the interactive whiteboard in front of the room.

Software alternatives: You could easily do this via Google Meet and using Peardeck. The set-up would be slightly different for Peardeck but the same idea with the teacher driving it from their mobile device by opening up the Peardeck dashboard.

What do you think? Add your additional ideas below in the comments!

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